Surface area of a triangular prism
Surface area of a triangular prism

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surface area of a triangular prism

The formula to calculate the area of the triangle is #length times width# and the rectangle at the bottom has base of #4 in# and width of #2 in#. Surface Area of Triangular Prism worksheets contains concept-based practice questions for students which explains the relation between net and surface area of a solid. The bottom of the prism is a rectangle since the angles are 90 degrees. The surface area of a triangular prism is given as A ab+3bh, where a, b and h are the side, base, and height of the prism respectively. There are two triangular surfaces (one in yellow and white) so multiply the area of the triangle by factor of #2#: #6 in^2 times 2 = color(blue)(12 in^2)#

surface area of a triangular prism surface area of a triangular prism

Using the area formula for triangles (#1/2bh# where #b# is the base and #h# is the height) the area of the triangular surface is #1/2bh=1/2(3 in)(4 in) = 1/2 (12 in^2)=6 in^2#. This triangular surface is 3 inches (height) by 4 inches (base). Let’s calculate each side separately and then we can add them up at the end. The surface area of that prism is basically all the areas that you can touch (total area of the outside/surface). If it is an oblique triangular prism, then the. In extremely simple terms imagine you have a woodblock shaped like the triangular prism in picture you attached. If your triangular prism is a right triangular prism, then the surface is composed of triangles and rectangles. Even though the explanation might seem slightly long it is really easily broken down into pieces so I highly recommend you read and learn from it. The surface area of this prism is #36 in^2#.

Surface area of a triangular prism